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The dear lab
The DeARLab - Diabetes & Autoimmunity Research Laboratory
Lab glimpses
Christmas 2023
20-year Cochin Institute celebration, September 2022
Team photo July 2022
Team-building 17th May 2022
Roberto attending a thesis in Helsinki (2021)
Going to attend Mahmoud thesis discussion (2021)
Team Building: open your mind (2020)
Roberto Mallone and Sylvaine You, directors of the DeARLab. Credit Nicolas SIX
Our technician centrifuges some blood samples in order to isolate the serum. Credit Nicolas SIX
Celebrating Noemie’s first publication (2021)
Team Building: blind test (2020)
Team Building: game of the goatee (2020)
Lab meeting. Credit Nicolas SIX
Our technician is using a special filltering machine which allows to visualize the lymphocytes on the screen. Credit Nicolas SIX
Celebrating Mahmoud PhD end (2021)
Secret Santa (2020)
Team Building: video presentation by Noëmie (2020)
Lymphocytes freezing in -200°C liquid nitrogen container. Credit Nicolas SIX
Fun moments
November 2019, team lunch
November 2019, INNODIA stand at AJD day
June 2019 "Boucle du Diabète" race
Nov. 2018 - Lunch for Institute Symposium
10-km race runners
Sept 2018 - Bowling for Boban's departure
5-km race runners
June 2018 - "Boucle du Diabète" race
April 2018 - Picnin
March 2018 - Lunch
Feb. 2018 - Laser game for Team building
Dec. 2017 - Christmas game for Team building
Sept 2017 - Noëmie's birthday
June 2018 - Pasquale running for the Paris marathon
June 2017 - Pasquale running for the Paris marathon
Scientific highlights
R Mallone presenting the lab work at the EASD 2019 Meeting in Barcelona.. Sept 2019
A. Loubatières Prize 2016 - Roberto Mallone, at the SFD (Société Francophone du Diabète) conference, 24th March 2016, Lyon, France
FOCIS 2019
Dr Roberto Mallone at the Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche INTERNATIONAL R&D DATING 24th October 2013, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris
Morgagni Prize 2012 SILVER MEDAL From left to right: Professor Gaetano Crepaldi, Doctor Roberto Mallone, Doctor Jean-Philippe Seta